"The British Council is hosting a 7-day African dance class on the use of traditional music and dance as a tool of community development and cultural exchange while promoting peaceful co-existence using East and West African dance in a joint choreography as well as incorporating dance choreography into a theatrical production.
The workshop shall include traditional dance as a universal language, stage performance skills and techniques, exploring traditional African dance and its relation to contemporary dance, blending West and East African dance into a performance choreography.
We aim to identify up to 5 people to be trained as trainers for a sustainable workshop which can be continued locally. So, if you have any previous experience and would like to be a future trainer, please identify yourself as a TOT participant.
Jokeh Sillah is a world class artist who has choreographed many West African performance troupes. Jokeh has a wealth of choreography knowledge and can work wonders with a group of students. Her workshops, which will be supported by drummers from Drumroots Ltd. are always welcoming and encouraging yet fast paced, inspiring and exciting! Don't hesitate to register now!
Please submit your name, contacts, a short bio, mention any relevant workshops attended or experience to arts@sd.britishcouncil.org
Registration closes 20 November 2016
Workshop dates: Only selected candidates will be informed.
Limited spaces available, priority given to attendees of previous workshops.